We’ve activated our Emergency Special Relief Assistance for those impacted by Tropical Cyclone Alfred Learn more.

Your card expires at the end of the month shown – not the start. So, if your card is expiring next month, you don’t need to do anything yet.

A new card will automatically be reissued in the first week of the expiring month – and it can take a week or two to arrive. So, to prevent any delays, it’s a good idea to check we have your current address.

If your address isn’t correct and you think your new card may be in the mail, please give ME a call on 13 15 63 after you’ve updated your address online – we can then organise a new one to be sent to the right address.

Do I need to activate my new card?

No, it’s done for you. However, if the card doesn’t make it to you for whatever reason, you’ll need to activate the replacement card – because it will have new numbers.

Also, please remember to thoughtfully dispose of your old card after you’ve cut it up.

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