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  1. As soon as you receive your bank card check to see if it has a signature strip on the back. If it does, sign in the space provided straight away. Destroy expired cards by cutting them in half diagonally making sure you cut through the chips if they have one.
  2. Store your card in a safe place, and make a habit of regularly checking you still have your card. If you lose your card, get in touch with ME immediately on 13 15 63.
  3. Memorise your card’s Card Verification Value (CVV) – that’s the 3 or 4 digit code found on the back of your card.
  4. Never let anyone else use your card – you could be liable for unauthorised electronic transactions involving use of your card, customer ID, access code, password or PIN.
  5. Always memorise your PIN. Never write your PIN on your card – even if you somehow disguise the number, and don’t store your PIN in something like a wallet or purse that could be lost or stolen along with your card. Here’s how to pick a rock solid PIN to protect your cash.
  6. Keep your PIN secret. Don’t share it with anyone including family and friends, and never reveal your PIN to anyone over the phone. Remember, ME staff will never ask for your PIN.
  7. Take care when entering your PIN into a keypad. Check that no one can see the numbers you are entering cover the keypad with your free hand if necessary.
  8. Never type your PIN into a web page that you have reached via an email link, no matter how legitimate the site looks.
  9. The big risk of using a debit or credit card in stores is that the information stored on your card’s magnetic strip could be illegally copied. This is known as “skimming” and one of the best defences is not to let anyone walk out of sight with your card to process a transaction. Always watch while your card is being swiped through a card terminal. The card should only be swiped once per transaction, and if a transaction fails or is cancelled, ask for the cancellation receipt.
  10. Watch out for your card being used in unusual devices. Illegal devices used to scan your card may be handheld or stored near a legitimate card terminal on a counter or at an ATM. If you think your card has been scanned by one of these devices, contact ME immediately.

Always be alert when using your card(s), and regularly check your account balance for unfamiliar transactions. Report any suspicious or unauthorised transactions to us immediately on 13 15 63.

For more details on how to protect your bank card from fraud, download our Account Security Tips guide. Or call us on 13 15 63 to order a copy of the Guide. You’ll automatically receive a copy of our guide each year with your bank statements.

Find out more in the Account Security Tips guide.

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