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When it comes to paying back your personal loan, you’ve got quite a bit of control over when and how quickly it happens.

Setting up personal loan payments.

You can change the account that your Personal Loans payments come out of by calling us on 13 15 63.

Alternatively, you can use the loan direct debit request form.

Changing your repayment amount.

You can raise or lower your loan repayment amounts, with no kind of penalty – all you need to do is jump onto the account summary screen within internet banking.

A couple of things to note:

  • You can drop back to the minimum repayment rate at any time.
  • Your new amount can’t be less than your original minimum repayment rate, even if you’re ahead of schedule.

Changing your repayment frequency.

Looking to change how often you make your personal loan repayments, or to move the day of the month your repayments fall on? Easy – just give us a call on 13 15 63.

A few things to keep in mind:

  • Personal loan repayment schedules can be fortnightly or monthly.
  • We can’t make changes to your repayment schedule unless you’re completely up-to-date with your repayments.

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