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Chances are, you’ve heard or read about hoax emails. These sorts of emails vary widely but some have been targeted at the internet banking customers of other banks.

Hoax emails can seem quite genuine. So we look at useful information on hoax emails including the tell-tale signs of a scam.

Firstly, hoax mails will often request confirmation of your internet banking customer ID and access code – that’s something no genuine bank will ever do.

In some cases, hoax emails work by directing you to an authentic looking (but fake) website, where a virus that records your keystrokes is secretly loaded onto your computer. Other hoax emails encourage you to install software that supposedly checks and removes viruses.

As scammers want you to act on the spot, hoax emails often include false statements about an immediate threat or risk to your account to create a sense of urgency. Or you may be promised a prize or other special benefit if you respond instantly. Don’t be fooled. These are all common tricks scammers use to encourage you to respond to a hoax email.

Important information about ME emails

Email is an effective way to stay in touch, and from time to time ME may email you with news of important changes or special offers. If you have logged into internet banking, we may email you about your account or account transactions via our secure email function.

Nonetheless, there are three important differences between the emails you receive from ME versus hoax emails:

  1. ME will never ask for personal details like your account access code via an email.
  2. Emails from ME may sometimes include links. However, these links won’t take you to another website asking for details such as your name, address, mobile phone number, username, password or a confirmation of your internet banking customer ID and access code.
  3. It’s possible to identify where email links will take you before you click on the link. If you receive an email from ME, simply hold your mouse over any links it includes, and you’ll see a domain associated with ME. These ME websites will always have a security certificate.

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