We’ve activated our Emergency Special Relief Assistance for those impacted by Tropical Cyclone Alfred Learn more.

Report fraud or scams.

How to report phishy business on your account.

Unrecognised transaction.

Sometimes a business, like your favourite restaurant, can trade under a different name to what appears on your statement. Look up the merchant’s name to help identify the purchase. Also consider that the date on your internet banking is the ‘settled date’, which may be a few days after you originally made the purchase.

If you still don't recognise the transaction, call ME on 13 15 63.

Lost or stolen card.

Thief! if your card has been stolen or even lost, there's a few ways ME can place a block on your card.

Call ME on 13 15 63, or follow these steps to block using the app or Internet Banking.
If you're overseas call ME on +61 3 9708 4001
ME can also temporarily block the card while look for it, if you think it's only been misplaced. Otherwise, we can help arrange a new replacement card for you.


Hook, line and sinker. If you’ve received a phishing text message, email or phone call and provided personal information or bank details, call ME on 13 15 63.

If you received a ME Bank branded phishing text message, email or phone call, but didn’t provide personal information or bank details, please email ME to let ME know.

Report a scam.

Scam funds move fast. If you’re concerned you’ve fallen victim to a scam, contact us right away. Please act fast and we can try to help you recover your funds.

Call ME immediately on 13 15 63.
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