ME update on February RBA decision Learn more.

08-Feb-2023 • Corporate

ME has today announced interest rate changes for home loan customers, following the Reserve Bank of Australia’s (RBA) decision to increase the cash rate by 0.25%.

For home loan customers
  • From 11 February, ME will lift variable home loan interest rates by 0.25% per annum (p.a.) for new and existing customers.  
Responding to savings customers
  • ME understands the importance of making sure its customers feel rewarded and can access competitive rates in this dynamic savings environment.
  • ME’s savings rates are continually under review, and is currently offering a strong rate on its popular Online Savings Account.  
Support available for Customers  

ME has a range of online resources available for customers including various calculators to help plan your budget.

ME is here to help customers experiencing financial difficulty and encourages customers to contact our dedicated support team for advice on tailored solutions to meet their needs.

For existing home lending customers on a variable rate, ME will advise them of their new monthly repayment amount. ME encourages customers to call 13 15 63 if they require further assistance or support.  

 Five ways to help you live within your budget
  1.  Know exactly where your money goes: When it comes to budgeting, the only way to rein in spending and maintain an accurate budget is by understanding exactly where your money goes.
  2. Ask yourself if you really need it...
  3. Look for ways to cut back without too much pain
  4. Review your budget frequently
  5. Allow for some fun: If your budget is too strict, chances are you won’t stick with it for very long – so it’s important you allow for some fun.
For the full article, click here

Legal notes:  
Interest rates from 11 February are subject to change. Terms, conditions, fees and charges apply. This is general information only and you should consider if these products are appropriate for you.  
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