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20-Jan-2022 • Personal Finance

A recent study from ME Bank has found a substantial shift in the financial goals young Aussies are setting for 2022.

About 1 in 5 young Australians – with no children – have set the goal of investing in their own business, according to the new study.

The data suggests the global phenomenon, the Great Resignation, could be starting to hit Aussie shores as young adults redirect their financial goals towards starting their own businesses.

The survey of 1,500 Australians revealed the huge shift has occurred over the past 6 months, where ‘investing in your own business’ has shot from one of the least considered financial goals (4% actively working towards goal), to one of the top 3 financial goals (18% actively working towards goal) for young Australians with no children.

ME’s General Manager, John Powell said: “We have all been impacted, or know someone who has been impacted, by the COVID-19 pandemic, which often includes their finances and priorities. People have had to pivot and reassess their financial goals in ways they never have before.

“We’ve seen a global trend emerge where people are ditching their desk jobs to start their own businesses. It’s interesting to see young Australians having the intention to follow suit.”

This lifestyle segment has historically favoured traditional goals such as building up rainy day savings, saving for expenses other than a home, paying off debts and setting up a budget, but has flipped priorities on their head this year (see Table 1. below).

Table 1.

  Young singles/couples no children Young singles/couples no children
Q. Which of these goals are you actively working towards? Jul 2021 Dec 2021
Paying off a mortgage 26% 29%
Saving enough to buy a property to live in 16% 19%
Investing in your own business 4% 18%
Building wealth for retirement 23% 18%
Investing or trading in shares, bonds, commodities etc. 18% 15%
Saving for a holiday, car or other expense other than a home 34% 15%
Paying off debts as fast as you can 21% 13%
Setting up a budget or a savings plan 21% 12%
Buying an investment property 10% 12%
Getting debts under control and manageable 8% 11%
Building up 'rainy day' savings 29% 10%
Consolidating multiple debts into one 0% 9%
Making changes to your financial arrangements to minimise the tax you pay 5% 7%
Maximising the income you earn from cash deposits 4% 5%
Changing your credit card arrangements to get a better deal or pay less interest 1% 4%

ME’s study also revealed the top three goals for each lifestyle segment, which highlighted key differences in priorities (see Table 2. in appendix).

ME’s General Manager, John Powell said “Investing in a business comes with a fair amount of risk and reward, and it’s also a huge investment of time and energy, which may explain why young people without children are prioritising this goal over others.

“When setting your sights on any goal, it’s important to do your research to find the right products and services to help get you there. ME has a fantastic Online Savings Account with a very competitive interest rate which is the first step in helping young Australians towards their goal of investing in a business,” Mr Powell.

Lastly, looking more broadly at the top financial goals of Australians, ME’s study found ‘paying off a mortgage’ trumped them all.

The top 10 financial goals for 2022 can be found in Table 3 below.



Editor notes:

1 This is general information only and you should consider if this product is right for you.

ME’s study is based on national survey of 1,500 Australian adults. The survey was conducted from November 2021 to December 2021 with fieldwork by DBM consultants.


Table 2.

Lifestyle segment

Top 3 financial goals for 2022

Young singles/couples no children

1. Paying off a mortgage (29%)

2. Saving enough to buy a property to live in (19%)

3. Investing in your own business (18%)

Single parent

1. Building up 'rainy day' savings (27%)

2. Saving for a holiday, car or other expense other than a home (21%)

3. Setting up a budget or a savings plan (16%)

Couple with young children

1. Paying off a mortgage (34%)

2. Paying off debts as fast as you can (24%)

3. Building up 'rainy day' savings (23%)

Couple with older children

1. Paying off a mortgage (34%)

2. Saving for a holiday, car or other expense other than a home (26%)

3. Building wealth for retirement (24%)

Middle aged singles/couples no children

1. Building up 'rainy day' savings (37%)

2. Paying off a mortgage (30%)

3. Saving for a holiday, car or other expense other than a home (29%)

Empty nesters

1. Building up 'rainy day' savings (29%)

2. Building wealth for retirement (24%)

3. Saving for a holiday, car or other expense other than a home (22%)


1. Building up 'rainy day' savings (25%)

2. Saving for a holiday, car or other expense other than a home (21%)

3. Building wealth for retirement (9%)

Table 3.

Top 10 financial goals for 2022  
Paying off a mortgage 24%
Building up 'rainy day' savings 23%
Saving for a holiday, car or other expense other than a home 22%
Building wealth for retirement 18%
Paying off debts as fast as you can 17%
Setting up a budget or a savings plan 11%
Getting debts under control and manageable 10%
Investing or trading in shares, bonds, commodities etc. 10%
Saving enough to buy a property to live in 7%
Maximising the income you earn from cash deposits 6%

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