What is Comprehensive Credit Reporting?

What is Comprehensive Credit Reporting?
Every time you apply for credit, participating lenders will be able to see the types of loans and credit limits you already have – including home loans, personal loans and credit cards – plus the dates they were opened and closed. They’ll also be able to see up to 24 months of your repayment history. Your repayment history will show whether you are up to date or overdue (and, if so, by how many months) in your repayments.

What’s the benefit of Comprehensive Credit Reporting?

What’s the benefit of Comprehensive Credit Reporting?

Before Comprehensive Credit Reporting, credit reports only provided limited information – and mostly about negative things, such as overdue debts, bankruptcy or court judgements.

Now they can include more information about the loan and credit card accounts someone has, along with details on how they’ve managed their repayments.

If you’re making payments on time, this will establish a positive credit rating and may result in better offers and/or pricing depending on the lender. If you’ve missed a few payments, or have recovered from a default, while this will negatively impact your credit rating, making payments on time can improve your credit rating over time.

The bottom line? Now you’ll be recognised for doing the right thing.

Who’s participating in Comprehensive Credit Reporting?

Who’s participating in Comprehensive Credit Reporting?
Over 75 credit providers with an Australian credit licence participate in comprehensive credit reporting, including the big 4 banks and ME. See the full list here.

What should I be doing differently?

What should I be doing differently?
With more credit providers opting into Comprehensive Credit Reporting, it’s never been so important to make your repayments on time. If you think you’ll miss a repayment on your ME home loan, personal loan or credit card, get in touch on 13 15 63 so we can discuss alternative payment options.

Any other credit tips?

Any other credit tips?
Here are some more ways to keep your credit score healthy:

Set up direct debits to make sure your bills are paid on time.
Notify ME of your new address whenever you move, so you never miss a bill.

Credit reporting and financial hardship.

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