From you
ME collects and holds your personal information (including credit information and credit eligibility information) so we can provide you with our products and services. Some of the information we collect is because we’re required to do so by law and most of the information will be collected directly from you or when it is provided to us with your authority. We’ll tell you the main reasons for collecting your personal information when we ask for it. This could include things like:
- your full name and contact details
- information that can identify you, including date of birth, driver’s licence number, TFN, passport details and residence status
- income and other financial and transaction information
- bank account and credit card details
- responses to market research surveys or competition entries
- your superannuation information
As you interact with us over time, we may also collect and hold additional personal information, including when you use your account, call, email or sms, use live chat or our website or mobile app, dealing with a complaint or enquiry about your products or services.
You may also choose to share full name, mobile number & email address information for specific contacts from your mobile devices contacts list when you use our mobile app. This information will be used to add new payee details to make adding a payee easier.
We understand personal and life events may result in unexpected changes to your financial situation. For example, a relationship breakdown or a death in the family, when impacted by an emergency event or natural disaster or an illness or losing your job. So we can support you during these times, including when we are managing a hardship application, we may ask you to provide personal information related to your personal circumstances.
We may also create behavioral biometric information derived from the information sourced from you and our vendors. We may also collect your installed application information to help prevent financial crime.
Where relevant for credit accounts, we may also collect:
- marital status and number of dependents
- credit information (see section headed credit information below for more details)
- income and expense details
- details of council rate notices, contracts of sale and property insurance
In some cases you might need to give us personal information about other people – such as when you have an authorised representative. In those situations we’re relying on you to tell those people that you’re giving us their details, and to let them know about this policy.
From others
There are some cases where we might collect personal and/or credit information about you from members in the BOQ Group or other people or organisations such as our alliance partners, service providers, agents, advisors, brokers, other credit providers, employers or your family members.
For example, if you apply for a credit card or a loan we might need to ask a credit reporting body for your credit report or conduct a property valuation. We may also collect financial and transaction information from other financial institutions either directly or through you and/or a third party service provider.
We may use information we receive about you from our alliance partners such as insurers, to help us identify and tell you about products and services that may be of interest to you and for administrative purposes.
We might also collect information when you use our online banking services, visit our website, or use our mobile app, including things like your location, IP address and your activity on our sites. You can find out more about the kind of information we store under the online data collection section.
Sometimes we might collect information about you that’s publicly available – for example, from things like social media, telephone directories or public registers e.g. Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC), Australian Business Register (ABR).
We’ll only collect information in this way if it is impractical to collect it directly from you, or when we’re permitted to do so.
When authorised or required by law
There are laws which require us to collect and/or share information. For example, under the Anti- Money Laundering law ME is obligated to collect your information and verify your identity from particular documents (e.g. passport, driver’s licence, birth certificate).
We must also fulfil our legal obligations to Australian and overseas enforcement bodies including Australian Transaction Reports and Analysis Centre (AUSTRAC).
We may collect your TFN when you open a deposit account and although it’s not compulsory to provide it, if you choose not to, we may deduct withholding tax from your interest payments at the highest marginal rate.
We may also ask you about your taxation residency status. If you’re a tax resident of another country we may need to collect your relevant foreign tax identification number. Sometimes, we may also be required to share some of your personal information with the Australian Taxation Office, who may exchange this information with tax authorities in other countries in accordance with intergovernmental agreements.
When applying for credit, the National Consumer Credit Protection Act requires ME to make inquiries about your financial commitments, income and liabilities, so we can make an informed decision when assessing your application.