We’ve activated our Emergency Special Relief Assistance for those impacted by Tropical Cyclone Alfred Learn more.

Not a ME home loan customer?

Not a ME home loan customer?

If you don't have home loan with ME and just need an everyday account, then please open a SpendME Transaction Account. 

Find out more.

Linking an offset account.

Linking an offset account.

Once you open an Everyday Transaction Account, get in touch with us via internet banking or call us on 13 15 63 to link it to your Flexible Home Loan as an offset facility. Already have an existing Everyday Transaction Account? Easy, we can link up to 8 offset accounts to any Flexible Home Loan with a variable rate.

Find out more

Buck card house

Get offset to a great start with ME.

Exclusive to ME Flexible Home Loan customers, our Everyday Transaction Account can be linked as a 100% offset account.
Open now


There’s nothing everyday about our Everyday Transaction Account.

$0 account keeping fees

Nothing. Nil. Nada. All month every month.

Digital wallets.

It’s compatible with any Apple, Google, Samsung, Fitbit or Garmin device.

Open in 5.

Get started and spending in just 5 minutes.

Open an account in minutes.

It takes approximately 5 minutes to apply and have your card ready to use in a digital wallet.

Before you begin you’ll need to have:

  • your passport, Australian driver licence or Medicare card.

You’ll need to be:

  • an existing ME home loan customer or in the process of applying for a ME home loan.
  • at least 16 years old.
  • an Australian citizen, permanent resident or resident for tax purposes.

What happens next?

If we can verify you online, your account will open instantly – you can start using your account today.

If we cannot verify your identity online via our online verification tool, you will need to go to Australia Post and verify in person.

Open now

We’re on the Money (again).

Money Magazine awarded ME Money Minder of the Year as the best place to stash your cash in 2021…and 2020, 2019 and 2018.1

The legal stuff.

The legal stuff.

1. Award notes
The Money Minder of the Year award recognised ME for being most likely to deliver value for money in term deposits and personal, children’s, regular saver and online saving accounts.

Government guarantee
Deposits are protected by the Australian Government’s Financial Claims Scheme, up to $250,000 per person per authorised deposit-taking institution.

Terms, conditions, fees and charges apply. This is general information only and you should consider if these products are right for you.

Mastercard is a registered trademark, and the circles design is a trademark of Mastercard International Incorporated.

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