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This savings calculator can help you calculate:

How much you can save in a specific time frame.

How long it will take you to reach your savings goals.

How much you can save with ME Bank’s SaveME interest rate.

Savings calculator.

See how fast we'll get you there if you combine a SaveME account with a SpendME account and make at least 4 settled card transactions each month with your Visa Debit card.

Your target is lower than the amount you have currently saved.
Your target is lower than the amount you have currently saved.

You could save

with our 4.10% p.a. SaveME account bonus variable rate. The results from this calculator are indicative only and shouldn’t be used for financial planning purposes. Conditions apply.

Learn more about our SaveME account

To reach your goal

with our 4.10% p.a. SaveME account bonus variable rate. The results from this calculator are indicative only and shouldn’t be used for financial planning purposes. Conditions apply.

Learn more about our SaveME account

To reach your goal

with our 4.10% p.a. SaveME account bonus variable rate. The results from this calculator are indicative only and shouldn’t be used for financial planning purposes. Conditions apply.

Learn more about our SaveME account

Managing Money.

Managing Money.

Set yourself up with good money habits with our short video course & saving guides. Learn where you could cut back to reach your saving goals faster.

Start saving like a pro 


High-interest savings with all the right moves.

Learn more about SaveME


A transaction account that does good for charity.

Learn more about SpendME


Earn our highest savings rate towards your home, car, holiday or next big thing.

Learn more about HomeME


The legal stuff.

The legal stuff.

1. SaveME Account Bonus Interest terms and conditions.

The Bonus Interest Rate applicable to your SaveME Account will apply:

For each calendar month where you made four or more card transactions in the previous calendar month using the Visa debit card linked to a SpendME account in the same name (sole name account) or names (joint name accounts) as your SaveME account. Transactions that are pending do not count as a transaction for the previous calendar month and will be counted in the following calendar month; and
To the combined balance of your SaveME accounts up to a maximum combined SaveME account balance of $500,000.

If you don’t meet all of these bonus interest conditions you will receive variable base rate interest only, however in any month we may without notice waive the requirement for you to meet all of these conditions.
Savings calculator information.
The results from this calculator are indicative only and shouldn’t be used for financial planning purposes. The calculation is based on the information input by you and assumes you qualify for the SaveME bonus interest rate each month, the interest rate doesn’t change, you deposit the daily required savings each day and interest is calculated and paid in accordance with the SaveME terms and conditions.

This is general information only and you should consider if these products are appropriate for you.

Interest rates current as at  18-Mar-2025 and subject to change.

ME Bank – a division of Bank of Queensland Limited ABN 32 009 656 740 AFSL and Australian Credit License Number 244616.

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