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Save towards your next big thing with HomeME, exclusive to the ME Go app.
Our highest interest
savings account.
Save towards your next big thing with HomeME, exclusive to the ME Go app.
Earn up to
5.00% p.a.2 interest with HomeME.
Home to our best savings bonus interest rate, so you can save towards your first home deposit or next big thing faster. HomeME comes bundled with a SpendME everyday account, which helps you earn big bonus interest.
Open in minutes
How to earn bonus interest.
How to earn bonus interest.
Meet the monthly criteria by opening a combined HomeME Savings and SpendME everyday account – and follow this simple step.
Deposit $2000+
Every month into your
SpendME account – it can be your pay or salary, or just money deposited from an
external bank account. The SpendME account to which money is deposited must be held in the same name (sole name account) or names (joint names account) as your HomeME account.
Smart features. Smooth savings.
We've packed in more things that make it easier for you to save.
Earn up to
5.00% p.a. interest.2
With our biggest and best rate, you can grow your savings faster for your first home deposit, next holiday or just an emergency stash.
Supercharge your savings.
Hit your savings goals sooner with personalised insights and goal tracking.
No monthly account keeping fees.
So you can focus on saving.
Round ME up.
Top up your savings with every tap (and without a thought) thanks to Round Ups.
Get Go’ing with your new savings account.
Open your new HomeME savings account in minutes with the ME Go app. The ME Go app is compatible with smartphone devices running iOS 14.0+ and Android™ 8.0+.

Our highest savings interest rates explained.
Find out how much bonus interest you can earn depending on your savings balance.
Our highest savings interest rates explained.
Find out how much bonus interest you can earn depending on your savings balance.
Balance up to
Base Interest Rate
Bonus Interest Rate
With Bonus Interest
$0 - $100,000 |
0.55% p.a. |
+4.45% p.a. |
5.00% p.a. |
>$100,000 to $1,000,000 |
0.55% p.a. |
+2.45% p.a. |
3.00% p.a. |
> $1,000,000 |
0.55% p.a. |
N/A |
0.55% p.a. |
How HomeME Bonus Interest is calculated and paid.
To help you get your savings off to a good start, you’ll earn bonus interest for the first month of your account being opened – as soon as you deposit funds into your HomeME account.
Month 1
Deposit a minimum of $2000 each month into your SpendME account.
Month 2
Interest is calculated daily based on the closing balance of your HomeME account.
1st day, Month 3
Interest is available in your HomeME savings account.
Get Go’ing in 5 mins.
Open a new account directly in the ME Go app in minutes or apply online now.
Get started online

On a desktop?
Grab your phone and scan the QR code (we’re all experts in this now). Download the banking app and apply for an account easily today.

App Store.
Grab your phone search for ME GO in the App Store. Compatible with smartphone devices running iOS 14.0+.

Google Play.
Grab your phone search for ME GO in Google Play. ME Go banking app is Compatible with smartphone devices running Android™ 8.0+
Things you should know.
Things you should know.
Our HomeME account is only available on the ME Go app and ME Go Internet Banking and can't be accessed via ME Internet Banking.
If you're already a ME account holder with accounts you access via Internet Banking, please note these accounts aren't accessible from the ME Go app. We’re working towards moving our current range of products over for customers and will be communicating that exciting journey to you in more detail soon. We have a whole page that explains this in more detail if you’d like to
learn more.
To open a ME Go account, you’ll need to be:
- over 14 years of age.
- an Australian resident with an Australian residential address.
- The account holder (applications cannot be completed and submitted by an Executor/Administrator/Power of Attorney/Legal Representative).
- Opening the account for personal use.
We’re making spending feel good with SpendME.
Our highest interest savings account comes with a bundled SpendME everyday account. Because we think good saving and spending go hand-in-hand.
- No monthly account-keeping fees
- No international transaction fees.
- Every time you tap your digital card, we donate 1c to your card's aligned charity. And the donation is on ME.
Find out more about SpendME
Sit back and take notes from ME.
Saving for a house deposit? It may seem tough, but ME is here to help you with educational resources.
ME keeps you on track to grow your home loan savings account balance by coaching you through the journey. Ready to reach your homeowner goals sooner?
Learn the ins and outs of home buying
Get a savings boost of up to
4.10% p.a.1 interest.
Get a savings boost with our SaveME account bundle, featuring a savings account and a linked SpendME transaction account. You can spend, save and earn
4.10% p.a.1 interest when you make four settled card transactions each month. Talk about taking control of your financial future.
Find out more about our SaveME
Feel Safe with ME.
Not only does our system constantly monitor your card to help prevent fraudulent behaviour, we’ve got loads of other security measures in place to help protect you:
Savings kept safe.
With one-time pins and biometric logins, your money’s always protected by a swipe or a smile.
Government guarantee.3
Your money is protected by the government guarantee, with up to $250,000 per person covered by the government’s Financial Claims Scheme.
BOQ backed.
In 2021 ME became part of the Bank of Queensland Group (BOQ), another homegrown Australian bank with the same customer-first values.
Is a HomeME savings account only for people saving for their first home?
No, anyone who wants to take advantage of our highest bonus interest savings rate can open a HomeME savings account. Whether you’re saving for your first home or your next big purchase like a car or holiday or just looking to start seriously saving.
How to buy a house on low income Australia?
We understand saving for a home deposit is difficult, especially with a low income. A few tips we would recommend to buy a house with a low income include:
- Taking advantage of First home buyer grants & schemes such as the First Home Owner Grant.
- Make sure your savings are in a no-fee high interest saving account.
- Buy with a smaller deposit, you may have pay a higher interest rate and pay for LMI, but if you've found the perfect place to buy, this could be the option for you.
- Apply for a home loan with a guarantor who agrees to take responsibility for repaying the loan if you are unable to. This can significantly reduce the deposit amount.
Read more tips on
buying your first home here.
How many HomeME accounts can I have?
HomeME accounts are restricted to one per entity e.g. individual or joint.
How do I qualify for bonus interest with my HomeME account?
For the HomeME account, you will need to meet a monthly deposit requirement to qualify for bonus interest. This is outlined in the table below.
- Deposit at least $2,000 from an external account to your linked SpendME transaction account; and
To help kickstart your savings, you will earn bonus interest in your first month with ME. Just make sure you meet the bonus interest criteria before the end of the month to continue earning it in the following month.
Find out more about
HomeME's monthly criteria here.
What is an external bank account?
An external account means any account that is issued by:
- any financial institution other than ME;
- Bank of Queensland but which is not a ME Account; and
- a ME Account that is not accessible by using the ME Go app
Can I use my account as an offset account for my ME home loan?
Not at this time. To find out more about our offset account options please call ME on
13 15 63.
How do I know that I’ve qualified for the bonus interest?
You can check whether you’ve qualified for bonus interest in the ME Go app. Head to the Accounts screen and select the account you would like to check.
How is savings interest calculated?
Interest is calculated from the day funds are credited to your account. It is calculated daily by applying the applicable interest rate to the closing balance of your account each day as follows:
Daily closing balance x interest rate (per annum)
Number of days in the year (365 days)
We will credit interest to your account at the close of business on the last day of each calendar month. The interest credited to your account will only be included in the closing balance from the first day of the next calendar month.
Can I open HomeME as a joint account?
Yes. After completing the application we’ll send a message to the other account owner and the account will be opened once they have provided their details. It’s important to know that all applicants must complete formal identification before the account can be opened.
Are there any monthly account keeping fees?
No. We don’t charge you monthly fees on any of our ME Go accounts. For details on any other fees that might apply, you can check them out
What are the different tiers to earn Base + Bonus Interest rate?
When you meet all bonus interest conditions, you can earn our highest interest rate of
5.00% p.a. on balances up to $100,000, and
3.00% p.a. on balances between $100,000 to $1,000,000.
Please refer to the tier table for more information.
Please note that bonus interest is not payable on balances over $1,000,000 but balances over $1,000,000 will still earn our base interest rate of
0.55% p.a.
How to save to buy a house?
There are several tips that will help you save to buy a house faster. Such as closing credit card balances, top up your income with extra shifts, over-time or a side hustle. Read more in our blog on
how to save for a home deposit.
The legal stuff.
The legal stuff.
* Any information provided within the chat is general and has not taken your objectives, financial situation or needs into account. Before deciding to acquire or continue to hold a product with ME, you should review the relevant terms and other product information and consider whether the product is suitable for you.
1. SaveME Account Bonus Interest terms and conditions.
The Bonus Interest Rate applicable to your SaveME Account will apply:
For each calendar month where you made four or more card transactions in the previous calendar month using the Visa debit card linked to a SpendME account in the same name (sole name account) or names (joint name accounts) as your SaveME account. Transactions that are pending do not count as a transaction for the previous calendar month and will be counted in the following calendar month; and to the combined balance of your SaveME accounts up to a maximum combined SaveME account balance of $500,000.
If you don’t meet all of these bonus interest conditions you will receive variable base rate interest only, however in any month we may without notice waive the requirement for you to meet all of these conditions.
2. HomeME Account Bonus Interest terms and conditions.
The Bonus Interest Rate applicable to your HomeME Account will apply:
For each calendar month where: a minimum of $2,000 was deposited into your SpendME account in the previous calendar month from an External Account. The SpendME account to which money is deposited must be held in the same name (sole name account) or names (joint names account) as your HomeME account; and
- to the balance of your HomeME account up to $1,000,000.
5.00% p.a. is payable on balances up to $100,000.
3.00% p.a. is payable on balances between $100,001 to $1,000,000
0.55% p.a. is payable on balances >$1,000,000
If you don’t meet the above bonus interest condition you will receive variable base rate interest only, however in any month we may without notice waive the requirement for you to meet the condition.
3. Government guarantee.
Deposits are protected by the Australian Government’s Financial Claims Scheme, up to $250,000 per person per authorised deposit-taking institution.
4. HomeME Calculator
The results from this calculator are indicative only and shouldn’t be used for financial planning purposes. The calculation is based on the information input by you and assumes you: A. qualify for the HomeME bonus interest rate each month, B. The interest rate (base + bonus) remains unchanged for the entire duration of your intended savings term, C. You make the required monthly deposit into your HomeME account equivalent to the daily savings amount (calculated based on a 30-day month). and D. Interest is calculated and paid in accordance with the ME Go Deposit accounts terms & conditions.
Terms, conditions, fees and charges apply. This is general information only and you should consider if these products are right for you.
Interest rates current as at
24-Mar-2025 and subject to change.
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