We’ve activated our Emergency Special Relief Assistance for those impacted by Tropical Cyclone Alfred Learn more.

Beyond Blue

Good spending starts with SpendME.

Sign up to a SpendME Transaction Account and you can say sayonara, adios and arrivederci to international transaction fees. Plus, every time you tap your SpendME digital card, we donate 1c to charity. Feel good knowing you’re doing the right thing and feel better knowing ME donates on your behalf. And of course, SpendME has no account-keeping fees.

Learn more about our charities.

More features than a rap album.

Spending is an everyday part of life, which is all the more reason to get more out of an everyday bank account with every transaction.

No monthly account keeping fees.

ME supports digital wallets and wearables for Apple, Google and Samsung devices. Pay securely anywhere, anytime – and forget your wallet on purpose.

No international transaction fees.

Say adios and au revoir to foreign transaction fees from ME when you spend or withdraw cash overseas.

Osko and PayID.

Send and receive money instantly to and from your SpendME account with just a phone number or email. Bye bye BSB's and account numbers.

Manage ME on the move.

ME has squeezed an entire bank into the ME Go app, making it easy to manage your money on the go, right from the palm of your hand.

ME beach chair

Ditch international fees for good.

Say adios, arrivederci and au revioir to international transaction fees when you travel abroad with SpendME. That means not getting slugged with extra charges for purchases made overseas. Save those dollars, dong and dineros for your holiday!

With A SpendME Transaction Account, you'll also get:

  • $0 account keeping fees
  • $0 ATM fees at over 10,000 locations, no need to pay money to get money.4

Travel money goes further with SpendME

Say adios to international transaction fees with a SpendME everyday debit card.3

Find out what you could spend that money on instead. 

*Based on a 3% foreign transaction fee charged by some card providers. Other fees and charges may apply. All dollar values are in AUD

Lunch in the USA

AUD equivalent.

Foreign transaction fee you wont pay with SpendME.*

What you can buy instead.
A subway fare home.

Car hire in Italy

AUD equivalent.

Foreign transaction fee you wont pay with SpendME.*

What you can buy instead.
A few slices of Neapolitana
from the birthplace of pizza.

Ski pass in Japan

AUD equivalent.

Foreign transaction fee you wont pay with SpendME.*

What you can buy instead.
A bowl of your favourite Ramen.

ME go app bugdeting tools

Budgeting tools that help you spend smarter.

Spending Tracking – Gives you a snapshot of what you’re spending on fast food or fashion to see where you can reign it in.

Bill Tracker – Never pay a bill late again with this handy tool that alerts you to upcoming bills so you can budget accordingly.

Meet our charity partners. 

Good causes that you can support with every digital tap.

Learn more 

For 10+ years, ME’s supported the National Breast Cancer Foundation and raised $2m+ for research through our pink debit card.

Find out more


ME’s partnered with Minus18 to support LGBTQIA+ youth and transform communities through education, training and resources.

Find out more


ME supports conservation efforts by the Australian Wildlife Conservancy, giving hope to our nation’s wildlife and their habitats.

Find out more

Orange Sky

ME partners with Orange Sky to provide Melbournians experiencing homelessness with warm showers, clean clothes and conversation.

Find out more

Beyond Blue

ME supports Beyond Blue’s 24/7 support service so Australians can speak with a trained mental health professional at no charge.

Find out more

Get Go’ing in 5 mins.

Open a new account directly in the ME Go app in minutes or apply online now.

Get started online


On a desktop?

Grab your phone and scan the QR code (we’re all experts in this now). Download the banking app and apply for an account easily today.

App Store.

Grab your phone search for ME GO in the App Store. Compatible with smartphone devices running iOS 14.0+.

Google Play.

Grab your phone search for ME GO in Google Play. ME Go banking app is Compatible with smartphone devices running Android™ 8.0+.

Things you should know.

Things you should know.

Our SpendME account is only available on the ME Go app and ME Go Internet Banking and can't be accessed via ME Internet Banking. 

If you're already a ME account holder with accounts you access via Internet Banking, please note these accounts aren't accessible from the ME Go app. We’re working towards moving our current range of products over for customers and will be communicating that exciting journey to you in more detail soon. We have a whole page that explains this in more detail if you’d like to learn more.

To open a ME Go account, you’ll need to be:
  • over 14 years of age.
  • an Australian resident with an Australian residential address.
  • The account holder (applications cannot be completed and submitted by an Executor/Administrator/Power of Attorney/Legal Representative).
  • Opening the account for personal use.
ME Go app

Bundle your accounts.
Smash your Go'als.

Whether you want to budget like a boss, or save for a home (or anything else), there’s a savings account for everyone in the ME Go Banking app. Bundle your savings accounts with a SpendME Transaction Account to help you get more from your money, all conveniently on the Go. 
HomeME key chain

Hit your next goal sooner with our highest interest savings account.

Whether your next big savings goal is a new home deposit, a holiday or a car, our high interest HomeME Savings Account can help with up to 5.00% p.a.2 bonus interest when you meet the monthly criteria.

Find out more about HomeME 
SaveME savings bundle jar

Get a savings boost of up to 4.10% p.a.1 interest.

Get a savings boost with a SaveME account bundle, featuring a Savings Account and a linked transaction account.  You can spend, save and earn 4.10% p.a.1 interest when you make four settled transactions each month using the Visa Debit Card linked to your SpendME account held in the same name. Talk about taking control of your financial future.

Find out more about SaveME

Your money’s safe with ME.

Not only does our system constantly monitor your card to help prevent fraudulent behaviour, we’ve got loads of other security measures in place to help protect you:

Lost your card?

You can temporarily lock your card in the ME Go app if you think you may have misplaced it (or it’s in your pocket... again).

Government guarantee.3

Your money is protected by the government guarantee, with up to $250,000 per person covered by the government’s Financial Claims Scheme.

Your savings’s safe with ME.

One-time pins and biometric logins mean your hard-earned savings is always protected by a swipe or a smile.


The legal stuff.

The legal stuff.

1. SaveME Account Bonus Interest terms and conditions.
The Bonus Interest Rate applicable to your SaveME Account will apply:

​For each calendar month where you made four or more card transactions in the previous calendar month using the Visa debit card linked to a SpendME account in the same name (sole name account) or names (joint name accounts) as your SaveME account. Transactions that are pending do not count as a transaction for the previous calendar month and will be counted in the following calendar month; and to the combined balance of your SaveME accounts up to a maximum combined SaveME account balance of $500,000. 

If you don’t meet all of these bonus interest conditions you will receive variable base rate interest only, however in any month we may without notice waive the requirement for you to meet all of these conditions.

2. HomeME Account Bonus Interest terms and conditions.
The Bonus Interest Rate applicable to your HomeME Account will apply:

For each calendar month where: a minimum of $2,000 was deposited into your SpendME account in the previous calendar month from an External Account. The SpendME account to which money is deposited must be held in the same name (sole name account) or names (joint names account) as your HomeME account; and
  • to the balance of your HomeME account up to $1,000,000. 
  • 5.00% p.a. is payable on balances up to $100,000.
  • 3.00% p.a. is payable on balances between $100,001 to $1,000,000
  • 0.55% p.a. is payable on balances >$1,000,000
If you don’t meet the above bonus interest condition you will receive variable base rate interest only, however in any month we may without notice waive the requirement for you to meet the condition.

3. Government guarantee.
Deposits are protected by the Australian Government’s Financial Claims Scheme, up to $250,000 per person per authorised deposit-taking institution.

4. ATM operators.
Some ATM operators may charge a fee for transactions using your Visa Debit card to access your account.

You can withdraw cash or check your account balance at BOQ ATMs fee-free, however, other ATM owners may charge you a fee. Within Australia, any ATM fees should be displayed on the ATM screen before you proceed with the transaction.

Locate your nearest BOQ ATM.

If you are traveling overseas, you can also access the following too:

  • No international ATM Fees (for balance enquiry and withdrawal)
  • No foreign currency conversion fees
ME won’t charge you a fee to withdraw or make an enquiry at an ATM overseas, however the ATM owner may charge you a fee which should be displayed on the screen. You can check out our full list of fees here.

Terms, conditions, fees and charges apply. This is general information only and you should consider if these products are right for you.

Interest rates current as at  24-Mar-2025 and subject to change.

Visa is a registered trademark, and the circles design is a trademark of Mastercard International Incorporated.

BPAY® and Osko® are registered trademarks of BPAY Pty Ltd ABN 69 079 137 518.

Apple, the Apple logo and iPhone are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. App Store is a service mark of Apple Inc.

Samsung and Samsung Pay are trademarks or registered trademarks of Samsung Electronics Co.
Android, Google PayTM and Google Play are trademarks of Google Inc.

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