Just so you know.

Just so you know.

New applications for Business Term Deposits are not being accepted from 3 November 2023 from new or existing customers.

Customers with Business Term Deposits will no longer be able to reinvest their term deposit at maturity from 5 February 2025.


Get guaranteed returns with our rock-solid business term deposit interest rates.


No set-up fees, no account-keeping fees. Just money making more money.


Invest as little as $5000 – or as much as $2 million – for between one month and 60 months.


Get payouts monthly, annually or at maturity.

Rate rundown.

Looking to stay up to date on our best rates? Leave your details and we’ll keep you in the loop.

Stay in the loop

Interest paid at maturity

1 month

0.55% p.a.

2 month

0.60% p.a.

3 month

2.05% p.a.

4 month

4.00% p.a.

5 month

0.85% p.a.

6 month

4.00% p.a.

7 month

1.35% p.a.

8 month

1.35% p.a.

9 month

4.00% p.a.

10 month

1.60% p.a.

11 month

1.60% p.a.

12 month

4.00% p.a.

Interest paid monthly

2 month

0.55% p.a.

3 month

2.00% p.a.

4 month

3.95% p.a.

5 month

0.80% p.a.

6 month

3.95% p.a.

7 month

1.30% p.a.

8 month

1.30% p.a.

9 month

3.95% p.a.

10 month

1.55% p.a.

11 month

1.55% p.a.

12 month

3.95% p.a.

13-17 month

1.95% p.a.

18-23 month

1.95% p.a.

24-35 month

1.95% p.a.

36-47 month

1.95​% p.a.

48-59 month

1.95​% p.a.

60 month

1.95% p.a.

Interest paid annually

12 month

4.00% p.a.

13-17 month

2.00% p.a.

18-23 month

2.00% p.a.

24-35 month

2.00% p.a.

36-47 month

2.00% p.a.

48-59 month

2.00% p.a.

60 month

2.00% p.a.

Facts & fees.

Top facts

Establishment fee


Account-keeping fee



1 month – 60 months

Minimum deposit


Government Guarantee

Amounts up to $250,000 guaranteed by the Financial Claims Scheme.

Payment options

Under 12 months: Monthly or at maturity. 12 months or longer: Monthly or annually and at maturity.

Early withdrawals

Early withdrawal notice

31 days' notice required

Early withdrawal interest adjustment

Percentage of term elapsed

Percentage reduction to interest

0% to < 21%


21% to < 41%


41% to < 61%


61% to < 81%


81% to < 100%


Help & Support

Help & Support

Complete the form below that is relevant to your business structure.

If your business structure isn’t listed above, please contact us on +61 3 9708 3233.

Identification verification
If you are required to verify your identity at Australia Post, please fill out the Deposit Identity Verification form

The legal stuff.

The legal stuff.

Business Term Deposit Terms and Conditions
Fees and charges guide

New applications for Business Term Deposits are not being accepted from 3 November 2023 from new or existing customers.

Customers with Business Term Deposits will no longer be able to reinvest their term deposit at maturity from 5 February 2025.

Interest rates are current as at 8am 27-Mar-2025 and subject to change.
Terms and conditions apply. Fees and charges may apply. This is general information only and you should consider if this product is right for you.
Rates are for deposits of $5,000 and greater. For any queries contact ME on 13 15 63.

You will get the interest rate that applies to your term deposit on the day your account is opened.
All terms are in calendar months. We offer terms between one month and 60 months.
Deposits are protected by the Australian Government’s Financial Claims Scheme, up to $250,000 per person per authorised deposit-taking institution.
The above rates are based on interest paid at maturity for terms up to 12 months and interest paid annually and at maturity for terms greater than 12 months.
If your term deposit was opened before 29 May 2016, you can close your Term Deposit immediately, at any time. However if it has been reinvested after 29 May 2016 you still need to give at least 31 days notice.
We will credit interest at the selected interest payment frequency and at the maturity of the term.

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